Exciting… Exquisite… Original!
Looking for party ideas? Want to get in on the action? Tired of living in fat city? Or are you just itching to lay your hands (and hips) on your very own fabulously one-of-a-kind custom-designed hula heavy-hoop? Just whirl on down to hoop-y-town! In the county of HipHoops...
Discover your means to fun, fitness, and free-flowing creative expression. You don’t have to be a kid in order to feel like one – these spectacular, lovingly hand-crafted, customized hoops zip your hips like never before – and put a whole new spin on exercise. Brilliant colors, snappy designs and high-quality materials make these the hoops you’ll love to jump through. Explore our website for fitness tips, events, performances and hoops fantastic!
HipHoops holds regular free events and hoop-ins. Check out our calendar for one in your area.